In partnership between Housing and Delmon Gate... Within the projects of the Government Land Development Rights Program.. Commencement of construction work for the project of implementation of 131 housing units in Salman City

In partnership between Housing and Delmon Gate... Within the projects of the Government Land Development Rights Program.. Commencement of construction work for the project of implementation of 131 housing units in Salman City

In partnership between Housing and Delmon Gate... Within the projects of the Government Land Development Rights Program.. Commencement of construction work for the project of implementation of 131 housing units in Salman City

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning and Delmon Gate Real Estate announced the start of construction work on the project of implementing 131 housing units in Salman City in partnership with the private sector, During the launch ceremony this morning, in the presence of Her Excellency Mrs. Amna bint Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Mr. Abdullah Ali, CEO of Delmon Gate Company, and a number of senior officials of the Ministry and the executing company of the project.

Her Excellency Mrs. Amna Al-Rumaihi, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, stated that the launch of the project to implement 131 housing units in Salman City is in line with the Ministry's plan to expand the implementation of the projects included in the Government Land Development Rights Programme to all governorates of the Kingdom, given the positive results achieved in the pilot version of the project. "Suhail" housing in the Luzi region, which has witnessed a wide acceptance by beneficiaries of the financing services provided by the Ministry through the options of the "Facilitation" and "Benefits" programme of the developed category.

Minister Al-Rumaihi said that the stage in the project today is the start of the construction of housing unit bases Come in line with the schedule developed in coordination with Delmon Gate Company, COMMENDING THE EFFORTS OF THE IMPLEMENTING COMPANY AND ITS ASPIRATIONS FOR COORDINATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANNED BUSINESS PLAN and confirms the joint interest in the timely completion of the implementation of the project's units, in preparation for its procurement by the beneficiaries of the financing services.

The Minister confirmed that the Ministry had recently put forth bids for the implementation of the Al-Baheer and Hura Sanad projects within the Government's Land Development Rights Programme project, which is scheduled to take effect during the next phase after the completion of the procedures for the establishment of bidding and the conclusion of contracts with the developed real estate companies, The Ministry is preparing to introduce further stages of projects to be implemented within the programme in a number of governorates during the next phase.

Mr. Abdullah Ali, Chief Executive Officer of Delmon Gate Real Estate, thanked the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning and the Ministry's officials for attending the launch of the project, praising the experience of cooperating with the government sector to implement this.

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