Minister Speech

The social housing sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoysunlimited care from the wise leadership and the government since the start ofthe housing journey in the Kingdom at the start of the early 60s of the pastcentury, and this care culminated in many housing gains achieved in thecomprehensive development process witnessed by the country, by addressingthousands of housing requests for Bahraini families, through the various pathsthat have been made available over nearly 60 years of bestowment andachievement.
Perhaps one of the most prominent gains achieved in this journeyis the implementation of housing town projects, which covered 8 towns to date,starting with Isa Town, Hamad Town, and Madinat Zayed in the past millennium,to the ongoing projects in Madinat Salman, Khalifa Town, East Hidd Town, EastSitra Town, and Ramli District, which the Ministry continues to build with housingprojects and community services.
The royal directives have constantly been present throughoutthis journey, in a clear embodiment of the priority and attention given to thegoal of providing adequate housing for low-income citizens by the wiseleadership and the government, and the royal directive of His Majesty KingHamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to provide 40,000 housing units will remain a turningpoint in the path of delivering housing services to citizens, in terms of thenumber of housing units provided to citizens; a success that the government hasbeen able to achieve, headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad AlKhalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, may God preserve them, in March 2022,through the allocation of land, budgets, and technical support necessary toimplement projects in towns and residential complexes, which included variousgovernorates and regions of the Kingdom.
Achievements in housing were not halted at this point butrather continued as a new vision was developed to provide housing services tocitizens, based on the principles of immediacy and sustainability in providing adequate,marked, and suitable housing for citizens. The government is guided inimplementing this vision, by the royal directive of His Majesty the King, whichstipulates "the need to continue development plans for the housing sectorwith its innovative solutions and huge investments, in partnership with theprivate sector, to secure adequate and suitable housing for citizens."
To implement this royal directive, the Ministry of Housingand Urban Planning is working to provide immediate and innovative solutions inpartnership with the private sector, through the housing financing programmethat was launched in August 2022, including “Tas'heel" financing, which comprises3 types of financing, in addition to “Mazaya" financing, of which "MazayaNew Category" financing is branched from, in addition to the governmentland development rights programme (GLDP), which is witnessing expansion in thecurrent phase by working on the implementation of 8 new projects after thesuccess of the programme’s first project, i.e., the "Suhail" project,in implementation of the directives of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince andPrime Minister.
The government aspires that these programmes will contributeto achieving the sustainability of providing housing services to low-income citizensand reducing waiting lists through immediate access to the housing servicewithout waiting.
Ms. Amna bint Ahmed Alrumaihi
The Minister of Housing And Urban Planning